Pain is pain, no matter how it's caused

How many times have people attempted to correct you when it came to expressing your emotions? For some reason, your pain is constantly compared to others' experiences, and society’s perspective of a more 'justified' trauma. How dare you make a scene when others are going through the worst!.

''Until you experience pain like me, you have not experienced pain''

What is it with society and their obsession to tell others- that they should be grateful for the fact that they are not experiencing pain, in a way others in a 'worse' situation are experiencing pain. Experiencing a burn or a cut, both triggers the same intention; that is to inform the body that something is wrong. However, you start analysing the specific reason and place of pain when you follow where the sensation is coming from. This is similar to life, so many things can create a shock in the body, these vary from physical and mental triggers. How this pain is experienced is directly linked to your education and how you chose to analyse your past experiences. Although I may not have experienced drowning, the pain of being violently chocked may-or-less trigger the same burning sensation of not being able to have access to oxygen, but regardless, I can not empathise with that similar near-death experience, even though the body more or less would have reacted in a similar way. It is as if I am not allowed to mourn in my pain because how dare I complain when others are in a worse situation. I am not writing this to mock or disregard series problems in this twisted holographic world, yet I am highlighting that certain groups of minds want to be considered the most broken, but why is there a competition?

I was judged for not waving my pain in his face.

I use to know a guy who, yes has experienced a greater physical trauma than I can choose to admit. I have been physically abused as a child but certain African cultures consider that action as a discipline, so I do not consider those actions as a cause of concern, but a person that refuses to justify those actions- similar to myself, will save the memory as a traumatic experience. Whenever he explains his emotions, I am not allowed to input any thoughts due to the fact that I do not communicate my pain, so surely I do not have any 'real' pain to express that can have the honour of being listened to. For some reason, the fear, shock etc that I have experienced growing up, was not enough to be able to put myself in a mental position that I can properly understand him. I thought this was very upsetting as how can someone tell you that because the pain was not triggered in the same exact event- that theirs was, it means that yours is irrelevant. I am sure the intensity triggered by traumatic experiences varies from different people, as the brain only analyses from what it has been exposed to. Until taught how to analyse the pain that fits with the knowledge of that community, the reaction is a subconscious trigger that does not require your permission, so please do not shut mine out. I only mirrored your reaction because I cared enough to mould in similar thoughts.

Emthasies with people, don’t listen to compare.

Regardless someone will always be corrected as there is always a situation to compare to. Humans spend more time proving why individually they are more superior than mending to operate as a union. So do not feel offended if someone says to you 'why would I think you would understand' because you are mainly used only to becoming a listener. The majority of the time, people just want to openly express painful thoughts. They do not however require you to add and they definitely do not wish for you to correct their actions. I hope this blog was enjoyable. I must add, examples used were not all personal.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

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