Manifestation VS Law of Attraction

Many of you that are reading this blog may have heard more about the 'Law of attraction' and may even have attempted to practice one craft over the other- without true understanding that both manifestation and LOA are being practised at the same time. What is the difference I hear you say?

Law of attraction: Internal and external changes

Law of attraction is a word carried around and swore by many people to be their reason for environmental change. How one is able to draw in the life they have always desired, and know have desired them, is a phenomenon that is practiced daily. To define LOA, is the basic understanding of Cause and Effect. Cause and Effect is, what you do, and what you put out in your space, will be retuned and revealed back to you. These returns are neither positive nor negative, yet are consequences revealed by your choices. Although the thought sounds simple enough, there are fine blueprints that should also be considered when conversating about what may be drawn to you. Do you believe that you can not hide your believed desires? That even if you wished so heavily on health and wealth, which you may desperately need, yet unawarely, the acceptance of lack, poverty and stress may likely be what will subconsciously dominating your mind. It is obvious, with that self sabotaging thoughts, the temporary thought of health and wealth will not make it past your mind alone. What most of us do is rethink of moments, and visualise ideas that we believe brings us joy and fulfilment, yet that is through the conscious awareness, which throughout the day, we enter into an automatic state which dust the wants under the rug of our minds meaning you would have forgotten. We all know the body operate without our conscious awareness, so then you are operating by your programmed subconscious habits (Conscious vs Subconscious will be released soon), and this habit is not reflected and corrected, you are in a spiral loop of insanity.

Manifestation: God's creative energy

Manifestation is what I call 'God’s creative energy’. This is the adjustment, manipulations and corrections of information’s- within yourself first, before it can be broadcasted elsewhere. The key word is -within yourself first-. This adjustment is then rippled to the space that you identify as your 'environment’. This cleansing and installing new information’s is the reason why you start witnessing present time opportunities and alternatives made within yourself. This phenomenon although is the opposite force to LOA, the baseline of both law consist of the knowing that, you are your saviour and your destroyer.

Manifestation AND Law of attraction; The push and pull force

The push witnessed in manifestation and the pull witnessed in LOA, are both very important formulas to alter the state of the space you inhabit. Without both, your intentions are lifeless- and therefore will create no practical changes to you in your space. Before there is a push, there must first be a core pull. There must first be an internal combustion (an object with a high potential, kinetic energy); only within this internal phenomenon, will you generate a supernatural force of information that alters the original data of you and your environment. Yet for that energy to be generated, you must be able to self generate it within. How do you feel when you are happy compared to when you are sad?, in a state of fear then in a stage of gratitude? Which internal feelings is more fulfilling and uplifts your whole body?. Which one creates that big smile on your face and makes you utter 'thank you'. The stages of happiness, gratitude, love and appreciation charges the cells of your body, and strengthens your electromagnetic fields, this is both spirituality and science!

Notes to take

So remember the power within creating your desired reality. The next time you blame your environment, check your habits!. And make sure you have the visual of the thought you wish to manifest for LOA to match the energy!

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

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