Why do we reminisce more on the past than on the future

Where focus goes, energy flows. How often are you aware, that your thoughts wonders into a memory that has the power to place you back in the feeling of anger, happiness, love, regrets, peace and chaos? And how often are you in control to transition it back to the present moment?

In this current days, we take more time rethinking of what has happened in our past - present time line; attempting to convince ourselves on what we could have done differently, and how we would have liked it to go. This habit does not prepare us to a positive future, instead, the thought only seems to alter the data to be specifically catered to justify the ego. Yet what is the point of entertaining a loop of dilemma that has the effect to only trigger the concept of insanity?

Necessary analysis, unnecessary analysis

Every decisions- that either inflicts a negative and positive emotions, should be analysed. The non favourited concept of these actions can be identified as 'over thinking'. There is a good formula to self reflect as well as there being an equally bad one. The good formula of a good reflection, is to avoid victimising yourself and only removing ideas that placed you in a state of vulnerability. Let's say, you were having a bad day to which the feeling is confirmed by an explosive encounter with a person whilst at work. Many harsh words was exchanged- to a point that you were sent home to cool down. On the way home you have talked yourself that you had every rights to react the way you did because you were already having a bad day. All you did was justify your reaction; not analysed that due to your already accepted attitude, you was a thought away of lashing out at anybody because you were already prepared to view them as a threat.

Self reflection: Exercise to do

Ask yourself questions such as:

Am I satisfied with the way I responded/ What could I have done differently?

What triggered the specific feeling and actions and was I already doomed to be what I have become today?

How could I have reacted instead, in a similar situation- to avoid making the same mistake?

The thin line- of a good analysis, and a bad one, is the ability to not tear yourself down and give yourself a hard time. The reason for this kind of thinking is not to place blame and anger towards yourself. It is purposed however, to correct information’s gathered in the passing moment. Think about it like this, you have perceived an event as negative; now instead of moving past the thought, you instead continue to replay the moment, again and again whilst occasionally changing the timeline of the event itself- to fit a narrative that worked more in your favour. Being satisfied with the final outcome, yet also extremely annoyed, you have stored the altered memory. The bad news about this habit, is that, when you encounter situations that mimics the feel of what you have already experienced, you are prepared to overreact in the way you have mentally rehearsed and convinced yourself in your head. With the key word 'mimics' it means that you are prepared to fight even if the situation does not call for it. Can you now notice the psychological problem?

Why is it easier to think more about the past then of the future

In my personal opinion, it is easier to reminisce about the past then of the future, because you feel that you have already relived the experience. So due to that knowledge, you are more certain about how real it is to you, then the certainty of the 'non experienced' future. Even-though both are fabricated by the imagination- that is made real by the feeling, we feel more connected on what we have convinced ourselves has already happened, and have not placed the same mental thinking on convincing ourselves on the real-ality of our future.

How to focus on the future

I feel that there is two ways of manifesting. There is the creator’s method and the attraction method. The creator method, is the understanding that you do not need to recycle ideas that others have attracted and are benefiting from in this world. They have drawn an opportunity from nothing to feed their needs; you are capable of doing the same thing. Avoid trying to be apart of an idea you have witnessed and have convinced yourself that you need- when you have the ability to recreate events that matches the energy of your desires. What this means is, be open minded. Do not limit your ideas to fit what has already been created for -somebody else-. The second way of manifestation is just that, attract. Attracting what is already created out there; and similar energy that is of you will be that is drawn to you, to emerge and alter your state of your reality.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!


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