3 things that stop us from moving forward

The issue is not that we are oblivious on how to move forwards, the issue- is in fact, the inability to have these conversation with ourselves when it comes to analysing and observing the habits- that keeps us in a loop. We have gotten so use to being attached to people, events, timelines etc that instead of advising ourselves, on how we can move forwards, we instead, question our self worth and overthink on why things do not work the way we wish, hoped and expected.

1) Fear
This is mostly from my personal observation. Fear is the reason why many people find it nerve wrecking to transition from an old damaged state of being, to a new and flourishing one. Fear in itself is a feeling that I observed is associated with excitement and joy. (I am not sure about you, but when I am in a state of gratitude, the feeling is overwhelming, my breathing gets heavier and I feel an immense feeling of happiness that is so overwhelming tears start leaking from my eyes). When we experience 'fear' our body wakens up. The senses are enhanced and strength is bestowed for immediate use, yet due to men's abilities to over analyse and give life to --every inconvenience--, you have the branching emotions associated with fear, which is anxiety, worry. panic etc. The body preparing you to do, what others may come to identity as 'the impossible', is not the problem here. In contrary, it is however the ideas (emotions) we were given to identity with these feeling is why our confusion trapes us in a loop of poor judgements. With the identity of worry, anxiety and panic, you transition the normal survival instinct to a deadly one, to one that will be apart of your extinction then of your growth. This emotion lowers your self value; demolishing you to something that is slowly fading away. An idea that is heavily associated with the memories of the past then it is of the future. So how does this idea stop us from moving forward? It is because we cling onto and remain in a delusions which we were meant to transition from, purely because only better was going to be presented to us but we referenced from the wrong source, the source of pain, anxiety, regrets that keeps us staggering and recycling the same emotions again and again.

2) Expectations 
We fear disappointments, but we mostly fear disappointment coming from others, then we do coming from our expectations?. What hurts us the most? let me tell you, the answer is not other people, it is the unrealistic ideas we expect others to operate and mimic (as if others do not operate with a similar free will as yourself). Expectation is a bias grasp of reality that stops us from moving forward. This thought doesn’t apply when it comes to justify what we hoped, envisioned, gambled on the idea that what we wish will pull though and come to pass, no, it is however the after affect of an idea (projected outwards) not going the way one envisioned. We humans adjust how we view a situation to greatly fit either a negative and positive scenario we have created in our minds; this prevents us from moving forwards, because we start to depend on a idea that is not entertained outside of our own field of sight. We create this heaven or hell within our minds that has kept us prisoners and blind to the actual reality of our situations. Why can you not let go of a past lover that continues to do you wrong? because you are most likely clinging into thoughts that fuels your desire for them regardless if they no longer or have never truly fit those desires to begin with.

3) You 
Well of course this is all about you, who else is there to blame, and if you can pin point people, groups or occasions that has somewhat transferred you into the sappy or heartless person- you can be sometimes, then you are in deep denial of your inner power. Nobody can transfer your character or personality. These are thoughts you have personally chose to consider and adapt into. This may be because you have assumed or witnessed specific qualities providing a solution that will either remove the notion that you were weak and helpless or through your desires to achieve, you have established a persona that assist with you creating that business you always wanted. Whatever the reason is, you chose daily on what to accept, reject, consider or reflect. Fortunately nobody can do that for you, but as it has been established, they can however convince you to poison the waters that flows to heal you. So how do YOU stop YOU from moving forward? well simple, you are the only person that has the power to shapeshift and take form of anything one can desire. You can take form to represent a person who is wealthy, who is in lack, who is in gratitude, in loss etc. In addition to that, YOU also have the ability to recreate a healthier ideas of your future without being victimised by your past.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!


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