Negative reaction: Another form of communication?

Note: The inspiration for this blog is due to my trip to the supermarket and the mess at the self-checkout.
I have successfully gathered the groceries and all I needed to do was to pay for my food. With the newfound world structure, credit cards are pushed and the paper age is coming to an end. I am not sure about you, but due to my obsession with contactless, I have not been given a chance to use the pin. Therefore when asked at the self-checkout, I didn’t know what the 4 number credit card pin was. Three strikes and your card is blocked, is the new motto- which I breeched! I have trained my conscious mind to not be submitted by impulsive habits. What do I mean by this?. The subconscious mind receives a greater form of information from its surroundings; these masses of data are not immediately pushed to your awareness, instead, they are analysed by your experienced, lessons, teachings, and past reactions.

This process filters around (not accurate) 87% of the information extracted, and only leaves you with 13% of that information. When my card got blocked, the appropriate reaction (though habits) is to be embarrassed. angry and frustrated. I only choose to embody embarrassment because I felt that I will be immediately judged if I have returned the food. I refused to embody anger and frustration because I didn’t care too much to react so strongly over a situation so minor (in my option). With this random event that struck me by surprise, I saw that there was a line of people waiting for me; they were not aware of my situation yet instead all they witnessed was I standing at the self-checkout, staring at the screen and doing nothing. I then realized that my calm approach irritated others because they also wanted to use the scanners. The inability to express anger and frustration prevented the vocal communication of distress. Without the willingness to shout, clunch my fist, yell and really show the veins of destruction on my neck, head, and arm, people could not understand that I deserved their patient and that the delay was due to an emergency.

Conscious and subconscious reactions

I am sure you have come across these words and thoughts, either in schools and documentaries (if you are the few that are adventurous, curious, and wish to know more about the mind). The subconscious has many layers of attributes, yet for the sake of this discussion, only the physical factors will be discussed. These basic attributes are the respiration system ie breathing, involuntary muscle movement, ie fast reaction to pain, chemical to electrical energy in the nerves ie bodily function and etc. To conclude, the subconscious actions are those that do not need our awareness and control, they operate automatically. Whilst the conscious action means we are in awareness and thus in little control, as humans follow and obey more than just being and experiencing the beauty of life.

Subconscious and conscious communication

Subconscious communication is what I call energetic sensations or the vibe you pick up before the mind filters are added- using the references of past experiences and teachings. You are constantly reacting to your environment daily. When you walk into a room you pick up an energy signature, or what others identify as the 'vibe' of the room. This information can make us feel either nervous, secure, happy, anxious, or worried with multiple other emotions. These emotions are usually what others are projecting that you are interacting with; some people are more aware of the sensation of their body and thoughts when they walk into a space. Conscious communication is physical actions that reveal your emotions and or thoughts. this reveal is through your body language and the tone of your voice used. Subconscious information can however become a conscious thought when training the mind to accept more thoughts open-mindedly. In conclusion, urgency, emergency, and dominance is communicated by the ability to be hysterical in certain situations. Only do those reactions tend to reveal that there is a problem. For unknown reasons, calmly communicating that you are in distress does not cut it in the world promoting overstressing, overthinking, and abuse BEFORE you can be taken seriously.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

The best time to create is within this second!


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