The best time to create is within this second!

We are continuously told to not dwell on our past but to focus on the future. But what about right now? the current and now moment. Because of this moment, that is constantly in motion- passing, drawing, and adding, placing your focus onto now, is what will affect what perspective you wish to reference when it comes to your past, and the reality you wish to manifest when it comes to your future.

As I am, so It is

Any person that has reached a peaked point of their success, growth, and manifestation, has referenced and has taken into consideration the law of attraction (LOA). This is the subconsciousness pattern that adjusts your perspective that fits best with the idea you believe to see, which is mainly connected to your desires. The Law Of Attraction, if you have not come to understand it yet, is the energetic changes that are inspired by our internal thoughts, believes, and acceptance. These thoughts adjust the mind’s thought patterns, thus adjusting the lens through which we see the world. As the mind filters information, it deems you do not need, it instead keeps the ones you are accumulated to and have accepted. This process encourages your motor movements, which are catered around becoming the thought you believe you are and desire. What is your definition of LOA and how have you seen it working in your life?

We continue to not be aware

When you were younger, what were your thoughts?? You wanted to take the profession of a firefighter, a gardener, learn about the ecosystem, go to space, be a chief, a dancer, a singer etc. Of course, if there are any old school parents that state that those thoughts are only a childhood phase and that they do not personally agree with certain jobs; have made a life-changing decision for their child, which is mainly inspired by ego and throughs fuelled by limited perspective. Which I can never understand, how do you live the course of your life and then manipulate another when they continue to grow to regret a decision encouraged by someone else and become just another statistic that did not achieve their god-given gift to do beautiful things in the world.
Yet, of course, children, who grow up rejecting the profession, and instead have dived into another line of work, might agree that it was simply a phase because it didn’t happen nor was it realistic and does not fit the criteria of the adult lifestyle. Ask yourself, why did you correct or attempt to remove those past childhood desires whilst growing up?, who fed you with doubt and negativity that made the process of transitioning so automatic? It is not about choosing to go into a different line outside of your deep calling, it is about that current present moment in time, which is now your past, you decided to think about something else that you believed was better for you, and thought that mostly lasted for a mini second, THAT THOUGHT adjusted your whole mental, emotional environment before the outer environment started to align and become one with who you are now.

The power of knowing that you can

Now imagine that the control you can claim is not just in your head but it can influence the nature of your environmental structure. It is very difficult to even begin to imagine creating any changes in your external life if your own thoughts are chaotic. How can you even begin to separate your own intuition and the noise of others’ wants and wishes for you? The first step of knowing you can is to first locate that voice within you. This process requires mental silence and a focus. To focus on nothing is to be present in the thought that right here, right now you are existing. To focus on a specific topic allows your mind to open you up to new thoughts that are specific to making those desires a reality. Whenever you have free time, sit in silent space and have the images of what you wish to manifest in front of you. This can be presented as a mood board, a printed-out picture, writing etc. ‘To believe you can and to believe you can not, you are right’. The mind reacts similarly to when you are physically doing the activity and when you are only imagining yourself doing the activity, so use this thought to your own advantage!. Use the imagination we were taught to remove. See, feel, touch, taste the reality you wish, only then will it be energetically drawn and created gradually before your own eyes.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

I feel empowered!


Negative reaction: Another form of communication?