I feel empowered!

This blog is created for the purpose to remind you of your self-worth!. To highlight that it is a process to get to the point of true realization of self-love, worthiness, and oneness- with the divine feminine! This also applies to the divine male. Not all females will have the empathy to want to understand that the divine male also require a similar love and fragile approach, similar to women!

What were your precious thoughts?

I am sure we all have our own personal and somewhat similar experiences when it comes to who we tolerated. The question of, why we tolerated certain thoughts and words, that are thrown against us? Why do we keep feeding ourselves with lies; becoming too emotionally dependent on people that could not create a basic fundamental for the engagement to progress healthily and love to flourish correctly. The thought I had in the past was that I needed to show people that I was worthy of their love; I knew I was capable of doing amazing things for a person, but they were so uptight to see it. So I made it my mission for them to share that same appreciation for me by giving them what they needed from me (stupid, sad but true). This idea of proving to others my worth has developed into a thought that I must be emotionally connected to a person for me to genuinely help them. REMEMBER, you can help a person without giving them high-level access to your emotions!. The risk with takers is that as soon as they have access, you will be doing more than helping them, you will be giving your soul away to a person that only knows how to only take from you.

I started to see I was all that!

The NOW realization is that people needed to prove of being worthy of me, not of me being worthy of them!. The positive realization all started from a toxic engagement of 2 years. I have been associating with a person that made me realize that I was only recycling the same sense of desperation, that made me needy of seeing my worth through others’ eyes. The beautiful thing about this person is that they revealed genuine love, that sadly, I have not had access to for quite a time now. He also reflected a lot of myself and made me take accountability for the actions I wrongly blamed others for. It was no longer about people treating me badly, it was however about -allowing- people to treat me badly. I had a problem with that thought for a long time, I however did not have the heart to walk away. It is true what they say, the first stage of true self-healing is first being self-aware. Although it is easier to place blame upon others, because through that, you appear a saint, an amazing energetic being that can do no wrong; only the wrongs are done to you, right?. This is a delusional way of seeing reality and through this, you will constantly appear toxic to those you presumed were toxic to you.

Not everybody is worthy of you!

Because they are not! In all seriousness, we put people in incorrect titles. We, humans, are taught to pretty much define everything in categories. Acquaintance, friends, lovers, friends with benefits (grow up) family. These identities require our mind to become unnecessarily attached and dormant the logical mind, clearly. So use the ideology of attachment to empower yourself, as well as be attached to the wisdom you feel within yourself!. You are the greatness you have been searching for in others. You are a powerful spiritual being; you are titled as a unique person of love and wealth. To know who should deserve you is to first know who you are. The trauma and love that made you, and how you wish for your future to play out. Of course, how you express and highlight these thoughts to another, will adjust through time. From expressing through pain, you might start expressing gratitude, from focusing too much on the past, you might start highlighting only the present and future goals. This is proven to be useful to me, because, without the ability to properly analyse your wants and desires, you tend to settle what people wish of you instead. People have the audacity to say ‘’they’re nice people, give them a chance’’. So start noting down your positive qualities and feed your mind with that knowledge of greatness and love that you are!.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!


Stop excusing their actions


The best time to create is within this second!