Self knowledge: Negative emotions

Human appears to not want to experience anything else- that isn’t a high vibrational emotion, which is understandable, as who would wish to experience sadness when your heart can burst with joy. Yet you should ask yourself, -what is- the human experience without the complete circle of both negative and positive emotions.

Awareness of emotions: The purpose of fear, regret, anxiety

The emotion of fear, regret anxiety, and other strong impulses are feared and encouraged to be dismissed. However, when these emotions are broken down, they provide a vital understanding of your surroundings as well as insure a warning. Let’s picture an event. You have been invited to attend a celebration party and you were feeling nervous, which is a normal response to the known. You ordered an Uber and one came. You entered, and the journey to the location begins but you start to develop a high level of anxiety. For some reason, you start to feel trapped and have the urge to confirm the location and the identity of the name which by their surprise, they confirmed that they have made a mistake. You calmed down and decided to call a friend to pick you up; you feel a relief of peace taking over. A friend successfully picks you up and drops you at the party. Staying close to them makes you feel safe, and when you separate from the security of your friend’s energetic field, you develop a sensation of fear. Of course, reading this you may highlight the events revealed are not a ‘realistic’ example. But how so? Are you informing me that you do not get feelings of being uncomfortable and unease to a point that you are forced to react to the sensation? Through questioning and reacting to the emotion, you gain access to a piece of information that could have a dramatic effect on how something is resolved and what would have been a particularly unfavourable situation if ignored?

The alignment of positive and negative emotions

The human experience consists of both positive and negative attractions. How do you analyse that the environment is toxic for either your mental or physical health, without the feeling of anxiety and cautiousness? Without these impulses, you are unable to process the thought that is taken from your energy source. This removal or adjustment is done to balance your internal and external environments. How do you acknowledge that you appreciate and have immense love without the ripping and removal of the desired emotion first? You don’t know what you don’t know, however you do know what you were taught and what you concluded, through again, your teachings and experiences. In addition to this, love although is described as a simple emotion is actually a mixed breed of anger, strength, weakness, regret, happiness, empathy, pain, peace, destruction, detachment etc. To love someone is to provide protection that could be fatal to others, to feel weakness and vulnerability, to have a sense of understanding and sacrifice. But how can you have come to these conclusions without your original concept of something being removed to experience its opposition and see how similar and separated they can be.

Your environment is an outward ecosystem

To take and receive is the natural element and structure of the universe. It obviously cannot be very healthy or constructive if all you are doing is giving. Within your body, if there is a build-up of acid, cells, chromosomes, etc the function will be in a state of critical. With the body doing overtime work to keep itself alive and functioning. The health of the cells operates through distribution, elimination, and addition. This concept also applies to your physical environment and the people around you. ‘’As above so below, as within so without’’ is a saying highlighting the similarities of the outside and inside world. Your outside environment operates in a similar rhythm as your inside environment. What this means is the concept of removal, distribution, and elimination must also be considered physically, for a healthy and functioning life. The same pain you feel in the body when there is an open womb, scar and a rip is, the same pain that will be felt when an unwanted impact is reacted with your physical environment, which creates imbalancement. Of course, the initial thoughts are ‘the negative reaction are due to negative impact and interaction’ but yes and no. Yes because to take away and not to replace or allow what is taken away to balance an existing or new event is dangerous. An example is a toxic relationship. The strain of the situation creates stress that arises mental and neuro complications. This negative situation is taking too much out of the person itself and instead of being displaced elsewhere as clearly the engagement is not in alignment with you, to remain will strip to a point of a dangerous condition. The procedures occur automatically inside the body but people manipulate closely their physical situation allowing the leech to stay longer than it should. The suffocation of a high experience of positivity provides a similar complication. As the organic concept of positive and negativity is to receive and to take away, if your body receives too much salt, or bones or water/blood, the outcome can be fatal. Yet in the case of the physical environment, you will lack real knowledge and understanding of life if the negative emotions are also not experienced.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

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