Social media is the least of your worries!

‘’I have to delete social media to concentrate’’. I have encountered too many people, one being myself, that used the same or similar sentences. From birth, we have been conditioned to place blame elsewhere because the ego is always in a constant battle, failing to acknowledge it takes the form of the problem although wanting to be the solution.

The Ego in decision making

The ego is the identity of who you believe yourself as being, thus are. There are 2 counterparts that feed into the idea of who you are. The higher and lower self (which can be searched as Id and superego). The superego or higher consciousness can be identified to connect to the subconscious mind- the state that is not limited by the basic perspective of the world which is solid, liquid, and gas. The concept of the supernatural and the technology you use to expose reality appears that you already have the means to do that yourself. Think about it, many technologies and types of equipment are influenced by the human body. In addition, the higher consciousness is the voice of reason mostly heard in a quiet and peaceful state. This is only because the clutter of noise that encourages a certain form of reaction stems from habits, and the inability to separate others’ thoughts from your own is why mistakes are more prone to be made.
The lower self, Id, or the conscious mind, is the filtered version, and really the thought of destruction. The conscious mind uses your past experience as a reference to recreate similar emotions in the present time. I am sure we have all been through a traumatic experience with people. The amazing thing about place and sound is that the mind references the traumatic experience connecting it with not just the person but the place and music you witnessed, whilst in the progress of that experience. Can you imagine living your life with a limited perception catered only by trauma, fear, anger, and regret?. Both bodies of higher and lower are only guidance and opinions that your chosen identity (you ego) chooses to take, move, and become more of.

The purpose Social Media

Different individuals have a different purposes for social media. The top 4 reasons are free communication, business purposes, creating inspiration, and distraction. Well, that is what the narrative is pushed for you to believe, but social media is more purposed for supervising the mass of people. Think about it, you freely give your personal details, your number, date of birth as well as allowing phone tracking- for them to push a narrative to you as well as filtering pieces of information that do not fit their narrative (it is not the rude ones..) Furthermore, you have these lower form thoughts that pray on your trauma and insecurities, accepting their words and lowering the quality of your identity constantly. With your school being social media (such as Instagram and Facebook), you follow people that feed more on that narrative you have accepted and agreed with, embodying that character and revealing it to people outside your phone.

Change your algorithm altogether

Similar to your mind, social media has an algorithm that is programmed by you. You see the keywords that you have been roaming take over your feed. More likely you are only acting on the purpose you have set for the app. For example, I use social media for business purposes. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, for me, are perfect for Full Circle M exposure. Therefore when I go online that is what I focus on; of course, there is the casual look around and waste my time rolling throughout the feed, but I have time to waste-apparently. Social media and reality outside of your phone have two things in common, they are designed to adjust your way of thinking. To prevent being hypnotized, you must acknowledge your present moment; allowing yourself to understand the damage you are causing to yourself. The app is doing its purpose, it is not to blame!

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

Self knowledge: Negative emotions


Why you should listen to your negative thoughts