Why you should listen to your negative thoughts

Although this thought may come as a surprise as everywhere you look, you are being advised to not only correct negative thoughts, but also replace them immediately! with no questions asked. Rarely are we advised to hear the reason why these thoughts arise? To further explain why you should listen to your negative thoughts, let expose why we stray away from them, to begin with. Important information to quote throughout the blog: ‘’The subconscious mind can process 20 000 000 bits of info per second. The conscious mind can only process 40 bits of info/sec’’

  1. Fear

Fear is a method used highly in every technique, it is purposed to adjust the actions and thoughts of a mass of people. We are told that to dwell too hard on negative thoughts is to attract events and situations that mimic that energetic signature. Of course, I agree, yet I also agree that it is not that simple. Fear defined: ‘’alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm, whether that danger is physical or psychological’’. The keyword in this definition is ‘psychological’, the highlight of the mental state of the person. Why is it that the same person that sees a snake is calm and another is in a high state of panic? To experience fear is for the mind to highlight, ‘’we have been warned about his moment through our experience or what we have been taught and chosen to believe’’ and thought this, your knowledge will encourage a certain rate of reaction. How an individual analyses and expresses emotions, which in this case, fear, is determined by experience, teachings, and understanding. You are told that to think negative thoughts should be avoided, but let me ask you, how many of you have been told why or have taken the time to analyse deeply YOUR own reasons why? It has appeared that you have simply ingested the thought without a fair analytical understanding. Don’t feel bad, we are trained to accept without questioning or talking back.

2. Acknowledgement

The negative thoughts that pop out of nowhere in fact are.. wait for it.. not random. Shocking right. When you think you were sabotaging yourself, the reality of it is, your subconscious mind was however picking millions of pieces of information up that are filtered through the reference of your experiences. Therefore is in favour of the statement that, how individuals react to reality varies from their understandings. How many times do we walk or are in the presence of an unknown space and we hear (between the line of) ‘’you don’t fit in here’’ or ‘’this doesn’t feel good’’. The purpose of these thoughts is to be 1st, acknowledged, and 2nd, to question why the thought is strong enough to be within your conscious awareness?. Even if you do not understand the energetic world and the concept that thought waves, can be picked up by others and also emotions (Energy in motion) can be felt within a wide radius. Instead of thinking ‘’this is negative’’, ‘’don’t think this’’ the real food for thoughts should be, why am I thinking this and are these thoughts mine?’.

3. Negative thoughts are positive

When you adjust how you react to negative thoughts, thus removing the state of panic and state of ignorance of not confronting these thoughts, you start to have more control of what you allow to affect your internal and external environment. With the example used earlier before, being in a room and picking up negative thoughts and choosing to ask valid questions, you start acknowledging that the space you are in is filled with individuals with ill thoughts of you. It is a warning that the energies you are amerced into should be approached with caution. This impulse is better known as a flight or fight response not greatly manipulated by bias concept of your schoolings.

To conclude.. Of course, we should not neglect the harm of ‘overthinking’ or dwelling on a negative thought to the point of complete acceptance of it. We must learn to observe every emotion with its counterpart. The good has to also be analysed with the bad and the bad must also be analysed with the good. it is harder for you to be finessed with that level of critical thinking ‘’the yes however there are also these thoughts that are also as right to highlight’’ . To proceed in such a manner allows you to balance your emotional conscious responses. I use to give myself a hard time for thinking and seeing horrendous thoughts in my mind until I noticed that these were warning of red flags around my environment that were draining me. I have gained so much control and have drastically seen positive changes through this basic mentality. The next time you have a thought, look around or give yourself a moment to think who, what and why. Do not be biased on who you confront, it is about time we correct our destructive habits.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!


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