Are you in a loop?

I have been observing what I identify as a ‘delusion of character’. Disclaimer that these are all my personal thoughts. Delusion of character can mostly be created by traumatic experiences of the past, or present undesirable moments- that the person relives daily. These undesirable realities tend to shift the victim’s minds into a similar repetition of thoughts, that confirm the change they wish to embody — only to please their ego. Whilst failing to maintain the same thoughts long enough to give them enough momentum to manifest or create the necessary changes he/she continues to speak about. In other words, does the person get too excited about an idea that does not continue to pass beyond the present moment?

How to decipher someone that is in a loop.


This can be defined as someone that is very motivated by the element of change, but then as soon as the conversation comes to a halt, they imminently go back to accepting a reality they seem to aggressively disagree with. I knew a person that would complain about how their life was currently moving, yet constantly would showcase the symptoms of amnesia the following day. I had the patience to go through multiple thought reset with them, where I gave them the space to relive the excitement of the changes they are so thrilled to execute, but it was always as if, it was the first time hearing themselves speak or present the idea to themselves. Those that constantly keep relieving the excitement of a quickly planned out idea- as if they have not yet gone through the topic before, only enjoy the thought of changes but are not in the space or mental discipline to execute it, so I conclude.

Overhype the idea of change

If they are overly enthusiastic about the concept of change; they feed their emotions with the understanding that the task will be done tomorrow and or today, yet hardly seem to proceed to make plans on how to properly execute the idea, is in a loop. Of course, placing the energy of excitement towards a plan; is not a negative concept to entertain. I agree, we must always amerce ourselves in the feeling of excitement when it comes to creating positive changes in our lives, however, if the person constantly mentions the exact ideas, with the failure to acknowledge that tomorrow was in-fact yesterday and the 2 or many yester-days before that, then this pattern will pull them away from the concept of time, and until acknowledged, actions will be greatly delayed!

How to help the loopers

Analyse yourself first

From my own experience, these specific actions are not out of the ordinary. People inflict a thought within us- which inflicts inner excitements- that we tend to quickly shift away from. Of course, there is a difference between feeling overwhelmed by joyful future thoughts; continuing to burn the fuel of that desire ourselves without someone’s energetic approval, because in life, you will be the only person that can put life into your future visions, not many will understand the what, why and how. If anything, I have observed that maybe, just maybe, I have a lot of egos to want to correct and fully control how a person chooses to execute those ideas and at what speed. Another truth why you may not believe what another may say; is because their truth appears as ‘sweet talk’ because you may have biased thoughts that lean against that person to the point that you neglect to acknowledge the micro changes that person is making; Have you ever thought about that?

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

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Thoughts & Believes