Thoughts & Believes

The infinite potential of the mind

2 years ago ( I am currently 24), I have affirmed that at the age of 26 I will be engaged, 27 I will be a millionaire, and 28 I will have my first child. Within the time of conjuring the ideas, I was not in a relationship, as well as being in and out of part time work. In spite of that, it did not stop the knowing and the believe that the idea was indeed possible for I to achieve. The sources that others used to determine what is realistic to them or not, is not the same source I used at the time. The perspective of your current reality is not the only preceptive that should be referenced, if you anticipate and desire change.

The purpose of a thought is not for an instant creation. That somehow out of no-where the idea becomes your reality- without the time placed to make it possible. When you have an idea, you are only planting a seed that has the power to adjust how you react to the world, how your habits is altered- by the leader- that is that thought, and how your attitude to the everyday, attracts the right people to you. So with this simple understanding, I can not be able to put my fingers into why people feel the intense need to correct your ideas and render it as ‘unrealistic’, ‘non practical’ and ‘unsafe path to route in’, before it has the chance to sprout.

The destructive nature of accepting others believes as your own

The mind is a very supernatural phenomenon; what we believe is fact, can sometimes be quiet further from the truth. The mind has potentials to do the impossible. I know understand why many people state ‘do not tell anybody of your movements until you completed it’. I personally decode that viewpoint as, do not give people an opportunity to correct your believes, ambitions- and the seed of ideas implanted, before it can take any true effect. I now conclude, that the ability to keep quiet is because there is a fear of accepting the ideas bombarded on to you. The limiting idea (if you choose to accept it) has the power to adjust your attitude, thus then shifts the routes of that overall vision. The ‘I told you so’ does not come from the vision being impossible to do, it was because that second of ‘ maybe I should adjust my ideas to make it more realistic, just in case’ is what shuttered your original believe system- that has now realtered your motor, to now be practical on the new decisions.

To end this first part of the blog, I want you to remember that people see reality differently, and how these possibility look, are different to each individuals. I want you to also remember that all types of Ideas that you protect out are analysed by the exterior’s own personal experience and attitude towards their own reality. Even if we are somewhat living a similar life experience, our attitude- to which we feed our everyday, varies to each individuals. Please subscribe for weekly blogs and Book a healing session to cater to your body as equally as the blog is designed to caters to your mind.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!

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