Learn from those that have succeeded

Learn from those that have succeeded

‘Only copy those that are in a position you thrive to be in’

There is a quote, that more or less states, ‘only copy those that are in a position you thrive to be in’. Which is very ironic that our school systems are individuals taught to mimic information’s word by word; then projecting them out to our new generations, without alternating them to life’s understanding.

I would expose that for a very long time, I have had quiet an abundance mentality. In my eyes, wealth is something that is easily accessible to me. Even at the time my reality failed to reinsure me (that I am in route to becoming that desired person) I never once doubted myself. My famous statement to say to friends or family was ‘hey it is okay, I can help you. I am capable of having so much that this much given, is so little to me’. Of course here comes the realistic folks that will be very quick to correct that those type of mentality are dangerous to maintain. I am sure they are saying ‘so you are and will continue to give what you don’t have? to the point that you won’t have enough’ which that is valid observation, yet allow me to highlight a new perspective. Does affirming to yourself that you do not have access to a desired lifestyle gives you the joy and motivation to aim to make the wanted possible for yourself? What greatness will come of you when attaching yourself to the mentality of ‘this is all I have and will continue to have’?. When the time comes, would you have the strength to invest? Would you start exploring the opportunities to expand your knowledge of money with that chosen mentality? What domino effect will this mentality lead you to, success or additional poverty?. The deep routed knowing that I can achieve my financial desires, regardless of the environment that I was in, is what started my business journey.

It reveals itself to you, but you must move with the opportunity

When I was still currently in university (two years ago), I did not feel fulfilled. I felt that my current path (at the time) was not in true alignment to what I wanted to achieve for myself. I adored and crave the idea of abundance, wealth, riches and having my own business; in spite of that, I was not convinced heading to university was the right move for me. Yet beside having these burning thoughts, I did not take physical actions. I continued reminding myself about my wants- whilst still enjoying my experience at the university. A couple of days passed and my sister sent me an Instagram link of a 3 part entrepreneur course being done at Milton Keynes, that she wanted to attend. The course was: Bootcamp Social Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Forex Trading (Investment). Through that course my horizon expanded, and the ‘how to’ become so clear to me.

Even a small bit of doubt resets your route

Many times you are heavily encouraged to take physical actions; to put in the hard labour work into our dreams. You are encouraged to barely take a wink of sleep until you felt that the day was completed. Unfortunately for this approach, the intense pressure on our body and soul will start altering the flow of the mental focus, and the positive energy we NEED to put into ourselves, will be turned into stress, chaotic frequencies. The issue with the world currently, is that they encourage you to move without the all clear of the mind. This is why no matter how much work you put in the actions, you seem to be in a lot of never-ending struggling. Through my own experience, your focus should be on your thoughts, and the body will follow with your minds true intentions. You must self analyse if those intentions is the pure knowing -that your wants will come to pass- or they are doubts that your eyes generates. You must understand, you can put in the right physical actions just the same with telling yourself daily that you are failing, questioning the point of these actions, feeling worthy, lacking gratitude of the micro growth, then regardless, you are not fuelling anything but failure. I did not sit back and did nothing, I started thinking like my future more successful self, to the point that I no longer needed to remind and try to convince myself, I just was (am). If you have to convince yourself of your potential then you are not always conscious of the negative affirmations you feed your mind and body.

Charisma Nganga

Full Circle Massage has a wonderful focus on both the mind and body- providing a holistic approach to relaxation. By integrating mind-body practices, Charisma creates a nurturing environment for all her clients. Please book your treatment online!


Thoughts & Believes


Stop excusing their actions